I'll be using this page to monitor the status of our tank and the setup thereof. There will be another area where we monitor the tank itself - water temperature, salinity, etc.
So, a bit of information. There is a local business - SeaScape Studio - who CCLS is partnering with. This partnership will allow the CCLS students to see and hear about marine animals from specialists at SeaScape studios.
To start our partnership, we're looking to setup a 29 gallon BioCube LED Saltwater tank. Here's a picture of one.
The stand will be different, but this tank is completely self-contained. If you've seen older reef tanks, you'll notice that there was quite a bit of filtration equipment needed. The newer tanks have that built into the back.
This tank is special because the LED lighting emits a broader spectrum of light that allows for more marine invertebrates to survive in our tank.
We'll be using the tank to grow animals from eggs and will be part of a captive breeding program for marine animals - helping to eliminate the capture of wild marine animals for pleasure. Captive-bred animals are better specimens for tanks due to their calmer nature and understood pedigree.
It takes years to get a reef tank to be in equilibrium, but once there, we'll have our own ocean at CCLS. A complete marine ecosystem. That's just awesome.
I'll keep you informed as to how we're doing, and we'll have pictures as things develop here.
If you'd like to help defray the cost of said tank, please feel free to contact Mr. Cooksey in the school office.
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